Friday, 14 August 2020


Rona came for a reason;

And not for the lives it claimed, that isn't all of the reason

It came for you, it came for me;

To sphere the tyre and shape the wheel.

You thread upon a weary path

And I follow the demons,

To where doom sleeps in its fullness like a rat

It rests in silence and covets none.

No one knows tomorrow

Yet Rona came and knew yesterday; death

It speaks, in whispers and shivers to this ears that belittle his follow;

"Turn away from evil, be good, be yourself": it said.

There isn't so much to a world of lies, 

Or flaunting a lifetime's work, or show off, 

Or show up with the cash;

Rona came to be noticed, and you dare care.

Let this journey come to halt,

Stop, vanquish, debris, ash; that i might find one mightier,

One mightier than I;

Who but the eyes without fault.

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