Friday, 21 February 2020

Featured post; The New Beatitudes by Charles Sweet, Founder of SEEDS.

The New Beatitudes:

Blessed are those who feel compassion in everything. The empath who never run out of love. Who understands that sometimes compassion hurts yet never turn away...
For theirs' is a peaceful old age. Their heart will know no regrets as they close their eyes in death. Angels shall spray a generous dose of confetti, rain shall fall ever so slowly and the trees and flowers shall all be regaled and lost in the dance of the divine as their soul takes a bow. 

Blessed are those who understands that their destiny is bound with the destiny of others. They have exchanged earthly place for celestial treat  and shall dine with gods. Welcome! To God's banqueting hall.. 

Blessed  are those who are in hourly contact with realities, who do not ass-u-me, or speculate, who are not carried away by the noise in a dead world,  for they shall never be taken by surprise. 

Blessed are you when you understand fully the harsh realities, the unemployment, the hunger, the pain, the cut-throat competition, the greed,  the tears of hungry kids and are willing to be kind and to show you care to a brother man.... 
You need no other reward than a sleep which in all the world no syrup can medicine thee! 

Blessed are you if you understand the criteria for loving your brother man. He who has love has everything!
He who is full of ego should be prayed for... 
Forgive them then brothers, for they know not how dim their hearts are.. 
Remember these ones in your silent prayers. 

©Charles Sweet
Founder SEEDS

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